Need Advice!


New Member
Mar 16, 2004
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Wheeling, WV
I have been reading through the forums and feel like a fish out of water...excuse the pun. I read about cycling a tank and did absolutely everything it said not to do...course I was also advised by my local petshop! I set my new 38gallon tank up with decorations, heater, filter, etc. Added water conditioner and waited 3 days. I went to get fish and told the guy I knew nothing about having a new aquarium. Well...big mistake...I bought 32 fish! (Told you I know nothing). Mollys, guppies, gold barbs, dwarf gouramis, opaline gouramis, sunset varietus, neon tetras, black skirt tetras, a male and a female betta. They all looked really pretty and the guy never told me I couldn't put them all together. I was told I'd have a few fish die in the first week. Well...that was 2 weeks ago and I am now down to 2 opaline gouramis, 1 dwarf gourami, and 3 gold barbs. I had a horrible ammonia spike and then nitrites set in! I have been doing 25% water changes every other day for about a week now. Will have water tested again in 3 days after another 25% water change. The remaining fish are perking up and look pretty good now. I spoke to the manager at Pet Supplies Plus and have been given a credit slip to replace my fish since they gave me all the wrong advice in the first place. I know that once the ammonia level comes down and there aren't nitrites I can start buy 2-3 fish a week until the tank is stocked. My question...with the 2 Opaline Gouramis, 1 dwarf gourami, and 3 gold barbs, what kind of fish can I get to go with them? One place told me that I should go with semi aggressive fish, but from what I've read, the gourami's are peaceful fish. I don't want to make another mistake, so would appreciate all the advice you can give me. Hubby really liked pictus and glass fish...can these go together? Thanks in advance. Sheila
Unfortunately the first mistake was all the fish at once :( but that's how we all learn from our mistakes, I had a similar thing happen with my first tank. It sounds like you've got a handle on it now which is good. Any type of community fish would go pretty well with your gouramis and barbs, some could be white cloud minnows, tetras, danios, plecos, rasboras. Those are some pretty good fish to start out with, the tetras are my favorite and they're pretty easy to take care of. Something you might want to check on before you go out and get some more would be the temp that they can all live with. Better luck this time:)
Glad to see you're turning things around with your tank.

My first advice, new tank owner to new tank owner, is to use some of your now abundant store credit to purchase a "master test kit". Outside of the tank, filter and heater, it's the most important thing I've purchased.

On a whole other note... aren't gold barbs beautiful? My LFS just got a really healthy batch this week and I'm fighting my first impulse buying urge. Once your cycle completes, you should definitely get at least 3 more of them, so you have a proper school.

After that, you should look at fish that spend more time near the bottom. A little group of Cory catfish might work for you there. I don't have any, but they really are cute and generally playful and active. Maybe one of the smaller plecos too, for character and algae control.

Beyond that, it's pretty much up to you. Would you want another schooling fish? I think Cherry Barbs (or Harlequin Rasboras) would provide good color balance for the Gold Barbs and the Blue Gouramis. Look around the LFS (but don't buy yet!). When you find things you like, write them down and look them up online later... or ask us! :)

HTH! Good luck with your tank! :thumbs:
Hey, just wanted to thank everyone for helping me decide which fish to get for my tank. I will definately do a lot of reading up and make decisions before I go to the petstore again. Gotta run and do another 25% water change. Thanks all

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