Need Advice




In my lfs i have seen a saltwater fish tank that says everything included but from what i have read this is not true. The tank is about 20 gallons and comes with a substrate, a wet/dry filter, hood and light, dry food (i will buy live foods too), some cholrine chemicals,a background and some powerheads for £140. I have had 2 tropical freshwater tanks for about a year, but i want a new chalange.

Do i need to buy any more equipment?
If yes
what, and around how much will it cost.

I will have a fish only setup. thank you for reading and hope you can help

Sean, welcome aboard :hi:.

Nano reefing is a a lot of fun, but, it can be quite a challenge. These tanks are nowhere near as easy as the equivalent sized FW tank. This is what I recommend. Go up to the top of the pinned section here and check out the list of equipment used in the members tanks thread. Read the pinned posts and also check out the recommended books in the Realm of Knowledge pin in the Marine CC section.

THEN...come back to this post with a list of what you's a great exercise in learning and we'd all be happy to go over it with you. I'm not being patronizing, but, you'll start to build a strong marine foundation. SH
i would like to get a wet/dry filter but could someone explain how it would work, and the care involved

thank you sean11

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