well my teacher has a 55 gallon with a HOB rated for 55/75 tank in her classroom, she was wanting to add more fish in the tank and i took the oppurtunity to ask if i can make a list of good fish choices for the tank. temp is roughly 74 degrees
it currently houses:
1 presumabley stunted goldfish at around 4-5" (presumed since it hasnt grown all year and have heard its stayed that size for years)
1 common plec at around the 6-8" mark
7 rosy barbs, 4 males, three females
now i know this isnt exactly the dream setup but id like to add at least 5-6 more fish in there, ive come up with the following as possible options. based on temprature and with a minimum size of at least 2" save the neons
Gold Barbs
Giant Danios
Threadfin Rainbows
Dwarf Gouramis
Neon Tetras (i dont want them but teacher does so throwing in just in case, considering rosy barbs get 6" long i think theyll become a snack)
Harlequin Rasboras
Emerald Cories
Gold Wonder Killifish
now i dont know if rosy barbs will even have large enough mouths to even eat the neons when they get 6" long but thats highly unlikely, im also skeptical about the rasboras and rainbows as they also have slender body types. i think the platied would be safe if they were aded in now when the barbs are still small, but other then that i think everything else is a good choice. cories id want to not get since theres already a giant plec in there. i am also concerned that the barbs will be aggresive to newcomers but since the males are so busy pestering the females i think it will be fine, though she should add a few more females to level out aggro.
im heavily siding with the swordtails, gold barbs, giant danios, and killifish.
so yeah opinions welcome to help me out
it currently houses:
1 presumabley stunted goldfish at around 4-5" (presumed since it hasnt grown all year and have heard its stayed that size for years)
1 common plec at around the 6-8" mark
7 rosy barbs, 4 males, three females
now i know this isnt exactly the dream setup but id like to add at least 5-6 more fish in there, ive come up with the following as possible options. based on temprature and with a minimum size of at least 2" save the neons
Gold Barbs
Giant Danios
Threadfin Rainbows
Dwarf Gouramis
Neon Tetras (i dont want them but teacher does so throwing in just in case, considering rosy barbs get 6" long i think theyll become a snack)
Harlequin Rasboras
Emerald Cories
Gold Wonder Killifish
now i dont know if rosy barbs will even have large enough mouths to even eat the neons when they get 6" long but thats highly unlikely, im also skeptical about the rasboras and rainbows as they also have slender body types. i think the platied would be safe if they were aded in now when the barbs are still small, but other then that i think everything else is a good choice. cories id want to not get since theres already a giant plec in there. i am also concerned that the barbs will be aggresive to newcomers but since the males are so busy pestering the females i think it will be fine, though she should add a few more females to level out aggro.
im heavily siding with the swordtails, gold barbs, giant danios, and killifish.
so yeah opinions welcome to help me out