Need Advice Quick!


Jun 6, 2005
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British Columbia - Canada
i just came home and found my brittle starfish has a huge chunk out of it's body .. i guess it was a hermit crab that did it, i'm not sure...i don't know what to do though - leave it in the tank, take it out?!'s alive but i don't know how cause i can see it's insides. I'm worried about IT but i'm also worried about the parameters of the rest of the tank. Please anybody help me!
im suprised a hermit can do such damage to a brittle star. HOw big is this hermit?

What it sounds more like ot me is the brittlestar is dying and beginning to disintergrate. Starfish litterally fall apart before your eyes when they die.

If this is so then it would mean IMO that it wasnt acclimatised for long enough or the water perameters are not right yet. No starfish should relaly be put into a system within the first 6 months as they need mature systems.
I have moved the rets of this argument to Marine chit chat.

It got off topic so hopefully the thread can continue as intended. :*)

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