Need advice on nitrite treatment


New Member
Jul 30, 2004
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-_- Greetings,

I have a newly set up 30 gal tank. I used old water and new water. Probably 25% old from the big tank I had the pregnant platies in. I put them into the new maternity tank to spawn. Everything was tested and all levels were fine.

Viola! Babies....Lots of them. Both moms have been removed back to their old tank as they were starting to snack on the babies. I tested the water yesterday when the babies were only hours old and it was in the stress area of the nitrites!!!

My question is how do I treat for nitrites with 1 day old babies in it??? We didn't have time to add a filter. I have been told to get a sponge filter, and everything just like for adult fish, but I wanted to check with experienced breeders first.

We did a 5 gal water change last night and the nitrites are the same as of 30 mins ago.

The babies are eating and swimming around great. The well water we have is hard. Everything is fine except for the nitrites. There are a lot of babies...I have counted at least 50 before getting dizzy and the tank is 30 gal so I think I really need to update this tank as quickly as possible. I normally do everything by the book but this was an energency maternity set up so all help will be greatly appreciated. I have been told to add salt, change water every two days etc. :-(

I'd highly recommend a Biowheel filter. I'm not a breeder, so I wouldn't know it's effect on babies, however, I'm guessing your tank is a cube tank (like mine), so, it's quite deep and it shouldn't stir up the babies too much. I'd also recommend at least a 25% water change daily. I just finished combating my own nitrite problem, and that was with doing 50% water changes. Again, though, I don't know the effect on the babies. Good luck and hopefully someone with the right experience will answer soon. :)
Thanks pearlie,

I will change the water again tonight and test it in the morning and hopefully it will be better. We are in a small town and the one pet store is stocked with just a few things. I usually have to drive to one of the bigger towns to get a wider variety of supplies. The wheel sounds interesting. I have not heard of it before but I will check it out. Thank-you again for the help.


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