need advice on mixing meds


Fish Fanatic
Jan 28, 2005
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OK - I have ich in my 10 gal tank and at least 1 fish also now has internal parasites. I am already treating for the ich.

THe reason they probably have these diseases is that I do a lot of water changes due to high ammonia. But then I figured out that my tap water actually has 0.25 ppm ammonia!!! :crazy: I just realized this recently. :*)

The water conditioner I have been using does not get rid of ammonia. I am going to use Amquel to treat the tap water and rid of the ammonia but I now want to know if I add medication for internal parasites is it going to wipe out the good bacteria?? I don't know what to do. Add the internal parasite meds as well as the ich meds!? Ug... I have already bumped up temp to 84 and salt to 1 T per 5 gallons and am using ich meds. I am afraid to make even more changes to the tank.

i... think my fish... are going... to ... die :/ I'm a terrible parent :no:
You are NOT a terrible parent - this stuff happens to the best of us parents.

waht type of ick meds are you using?
And what type of other meds to you have on hand?

What other symptoms are your fish displaying??
This fish have white salt spots. One fish is quite bad and another one died yesterday. I was away for three days so I'm not sure what that one fish died of exactly. All I know is that when I got home the poor thing was head first between the gravel and a decoration with only its tail moving. It died almost immediately after I got home. (My boyfriend is kind of clueless about what a healthy fish should look or act like - i gave him hell - I don't think he was keeping up on the med).

I am treating the ich with Ick Clear by Tank Buddies - they are fizz tabs that turn the water blue. The ingredients are victoria green and aquiflavine. I was using CureIck liquid med with malachite green and formalin for a week! but it wasn't working. The fizz tabs seem to be keeping the ich at bay.

HOWEVER, the two platies I got over a week ago that I added straight to the tank with no quarantine (no, I don't have a hospital tank :crazy: :rolleyes: ) had white stringy poo. I've been told that's a sign of internal parasites. It got better but now they have that again.
PS. I have no medication on hand for internal parasites nor have I used any, just wondering if I should get some and what it might do, good or bad. :blink:
You can mix certain meds but I don't no about whitespot and internal parasites, treat the whitespot first, there are no worms hanging from the anus is there.
Hi laboul :)

Let's look at one problem at a time.

The ammonia you will be taking care of from now on. Is the tank cycled, or is it still going through that process? :dunno:

The ich, you are taking care of now. This involves a high salt content in the water, high temperatures and medications too. All this is hard on the fish, and we have to hope they are strong enough to last through the treatment and recover.

The white stringy poo may or may not be caused by parasites. Either way, it would be best to wait until the fish has recovered from the ich and your tank is back to normal before adding still another medicine, especially a serious enough one that it will kill parasites. Please wait and reevaluate the situation when your fish is feeling better and eating normally. You night just find that the problem has resolved itself.
The tank is cycled now. It seems like good advice to me! :nod: I don't see any worms.
That's ok then follow inchworm advice, good luck.

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