Need Advice On Hoplo Cats Please


Fish Herder
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
SE London
Thinking of getting some Hoplo cats, seen some babies on Ebay . Lots of conflicting information on the net so I thoughjt of asking you guys who actually keep and know all about them I trust this forum more than anywhere else. So,
1. How big do Hoplo grow -4/6/8inches?
2. Easygoing and friendly or aggressive?
3. can you keep them with cichlids -convicts & jewels?
4. Will they eat guppies? Not for dinner, I plan to have a few guppies in the community tank!!!!
I'd like to get them but don't want to create problems for myself
They get to around 6 inches in an aquiarium but can get as big as 8 inches. They are very friendly although might get a bit aggressive if spawning. Not sure about Cichlids but they get on well with my small tetras. They won't harm your Guppies but will probably hoover up any fry they come across when searching the floor for food.
They get to around 6 inches in an aquiarium but can get as big as 8 inches. They are very friendly although might get a bit aggressive if spawning. Not sure about Cichlids but they get on well with my small tetras. They won't harm your Guppies but will probably hoover up any fry they come across when searching the floor for food.
thanks, if they are still available I'll get some then
I have mine in with cichlids and they get on fine (JD, sev, con and parrot). They are very active, always on the go hoovering away. Defo a great little catfish to have.
Agreed, i have had my one now about 7-8years..great fish around 6-7inches....very active, does not have a problem with anything and had it with alot of very aggressive fish which not one had ever bothered with him, he goes about his business all by himself, now has made a odd friend by the way of my parachanna obscura,which they share a cave together

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