Need Advice On Cross Breeding A Local Betta Pugnax[male] X Crowntail[f


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Jul 27, 2007
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Does Cross Breeding a Local Betta Pugnax[Male] X Crowntail[Female] possible?


Betta Pugnax[Male] a.k.a Giant Forest Betta


Crowntail Betta[Female]

if yes what kind of offspring would i get?
Crowntail Plakat mayb XD??

Another question is cross breeding a Half Moon Betta[Male] X Crowntail[Female] what would i get?


Halfmoon Betta[Male]

ps~>i caught the Betta Pugnax in a forest stream in Ipoh using a fishing rod =.=; size 2 hook.

hoping for an answer soon^^ thanks.
No, considering female (splendens) are bubblenesters (or well, the male builds a bubblenest) and pugnax are mouthbrooders. Different breeding techniques.
No, considering female (splendens) are bubblenesters (or well, the male builds a bubblenest) and pugnax are mouthbrooders. Different breeding techniques.
oh yea... silly me =.=;... which leaves me another question... thanks K.J.
not sure about he pugnax with the crowntail. i'm pretty sure the hm with the ct will yield combtails with a large caudal spread.
oh juz got an answer from a betta expert on email, he says:-

"I do not believe that pugnax will cross breed with splendens. A halfmoon to crowntail should give you what they call “halfsun.â€￾

Halfsun has ray extensions but they are much shorter than crowntail. They are good looking fish!" Jim Sonnier.
Halfmoon x crowntail is very hard to predict- the halfmoon trait is probably just as much environmental as genetic. I'd expect a mixed bag of tail spreads with varied amounts of combing.

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