Need Advice About Elephant Nose


New Member
Sep 7, 2012
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Hi ya'll,
I have a 75 gallon fish tank. I've had it for about 8 months now...and my other fish I had in it before died. I have been letting the tank run by itself for about 2 months now. While running for 2 months its been populated by two 4-5inch leopard sailfin plecos. (still in tank) I just got an Elephant Nose...I have everything set up perfect for him. low light, lots of places to hide during the day, and feed him black worms at night. Him and the plecos are getting along fine. (which is great) But with it being such a large tank, I would really love to have more fish in there to make it look good. I just dont know what I can put in there with my Elephant nose. (respectfully named Dumbo) I've read Tetras are good...and Gouramis too. But I thought I should get the opinion of cool TFF people :) So if ya'll have any advice for me that would be a big help.
Just about any tetra, rasbora, rainbow fish, ctenopomas, dwarf cichlids and some loaches and oddballs will make good tank mates. Oh and most catfish.
I'd avoid catfish and other bottom dwellers as they would out compete the elephant nose for food and territory. I dont have that problem as my elephantnose is a very aggressive bully but I can easily see it happening if your elephant nose is on the timid side of things.

Shouldn't Elephant Nose be in schools of 6+?
any fish but not those similar to it that gives off electrical signals like ghost knives and electric catfishes
Thanks ya'll!
I got some Congo tetras....and Angle Fish!! There soo pretty!

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