Need A Tetra!


Fish Crazy
Jul 14, 2007
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i need a medium small sized deep bodied middle dwelling thats peacefull to rams and bn plecos
i was thinking of a few buenos aires tetra and some sivertips (i know not deep bodied but i like them)
help would be apreciated
How about a few pristellas / x-ray tetras (Pristella maxillaris)? They're a hardy peaceful fish and I think their clear body with yellow, black and white fins look great. One of my favorites.
How about a few pristellas / x-ray tetras (Pristella maxillaris)? They're a hardy peaceful fish and I think their clear body with yellow, black and white fins look great. One of my favorites.

How about 'Rummy-Nose tetras: Get to 2inches and are lively/colourful. Have no problems with them myself.
yeah i like pristella tetras and i kept rummynose tetras once but i want to try somthing new
i like the idea of pristellas but i think ill drop the buenos aires tetras as i like plants
would 4 of each suffice? or should i make space for more?
thanks for the replys
I'm particularly fond of black phantoms; I love their display behaviour.
yeah ive been considering them and then finding something bright or flourescent to contrast them but i cant seem to find one
i was thinking serpae tetras the red would go well with the black and sliver or with the pristella see through(ish)
i already have a columbian tetra and i was wondering what a school would be like as i love the little (but big) thing and once the neons all die of old age (i know neons, bala sharks, columbian tetra, cichlids, killifish and to top it off guppies all in the same tank defys logic or what ever you scienticians call it) my neons have been there since i got the tank up and running (1 1/2 yrs ago) and my guppies are from 3 generations of breeding and my killifish is the second oldest resident so my fish are growing up and out...
sorry for the rambling i get carried away
again thanks for the advice

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