Need A Purpose For My 24g Cube


Fish Gatherer
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Tunbridge Wells
all the old inhabitants have been moved to their new 110G home and the old tank is going to be forced on to ebay by my g/f if i don't make it look nice again soon.

done the standard nano reef thing, not that keen on seahorses and am not allowed an eel

any suggestions?
hey, what about a dwarf lionfish? Not sure if that tank size is alright, but that would be a unique fish, imo.
A suggestion you need?

New girlfriend. :hyper:

Just kidding man.... She won't allow ya an eel? How about a puffer or use it as a specimen tank...?

or why not use it as a grow out tank for propogating some softies or something... More like a garden then a fish tank mine is....
Key word there is potentially. They really only try if you give them a reason :)

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