need a pet HELP

69 kitten

New Member
Nov 9, 2003
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hey I need a pet. I have a 3 month old son, and live in an appartment. I want a bird but my boyfriend keeps sain no. :( I would like a cuddly pet that I can let out of its cage, not to hyper, not to loud, and it cant be a dog or a cat. and no reptiels. I am leaning towards a love bird or parakeet. cause if they r to exspensive my guy will say no. I cant find any dwarf rabbits around here or I would get one of those. I was supposed to get a senegal parrot but it was 550.$ so he said no way!please help I am going nuts with out a pet of my own :-( and the only place I can get one is from the local pet shop. so reallly I am limeted. {sigh} if u wanna e-mail me you can cause I might not be able to get back on this site for a while, but I check my e-mail all the time. its [email protected]
or [email protected]
or [email protected]
please help :hyper: :unsure: -_-
Get mice!! mice are great! ive trained mine to come when they are called, so they dont need a cage unless Kalea is about to have babies. Double duty, the babies get fed to the oscars. And best of all, it drives my mother in law crazy :D :p :fun:
do you even have fish? just asking, since this is the only section of the forum you posted in. they make nice quiet pets that you won't have to worry about around your little one (at least until he is big enougth to climb up on stuff and attempt to get into the top of the tank..... :lol: )
you might get a better response if you ask this on a non-fish forum..............
guinea pigs or hamsters (though they can be noisy at night, they are noctural) might be nice, or ferrets (though wiht your little one don't know if thats such a good idea.)
Fish. They are always good. Granted you can't cuddle with them, but it's a fun hobby and they are relaxing to watch. Birds crap everywhere and are loud and stuff. I live in an apartment and have fishies. :)
Ferrets or a rabbit, ferrets do have a musk (females less than males) but they can make up for it, They are like kittens their whole life! they are very gentle if handled when younger and if you adopt one their pretty cheap (I got mine for free) if you can't get a ferret I'd recommend a rabbit, Depending on the breed (and the rabbit) they can be loving, gentle, and inexpensive, I have himalayan rabbits which aren't more than 3 pounds and I've never had to worry about them biting, I've heard of smaller breeds, like dwarfs and brittania petites being a bit on the nippy side, larger breeds like flemish giants and english lops (xtra big ears) are much more laid back, going to a rabbit show would help, theirs over 40 different breeds and some can be really inexpensive, but you should know that rabbits can live about 10 years, let me no wut u decide n good luck!!
you say you want a bird but you don't want something that's noisy or expensive, and you want something cuddly. Birds are noisy and expensive, and love birds are not cuddly. I wouldn't suggest a guinea pig they are expensive. Very expensive. They require a cage at least 2' X 2'. They really need to be cept in same sex pair so avoid unwanted babies. Gestation is roughly 10 weeks. Besides this they need either alfalfa or timothy based guinea pig pellets and timothy hay or alfalfa hay depending on whether the pig is pregnant, nursing or under a year old. Guinea pigs do not produce their own vitamin C so vegetables and fruit must be provided daliy to prevent scurvy. Signs that a guinea pig has scurvy include, but are not limited too: internal and external herias, broken teeth, broken bones, lack of energy, hairloss, and not eating. In this state they are more prone to disease. If you are really thinking about a guinea pig here's some links to try., cavy madness, and for caging ideas

I would suggest a mouse. Just don't get it lost in your house. When I was 8 I did that with four mice. Good luck.
A rabbit!!!! We have a house bunny and he's the shiznick :wub: ,I love him dearly. Litter box trained ,outgoing, cuddly & lovable :wub: ,he's the perfect pet :wub:
how about a pair of rats? don't keep them myself, but they are so cool (and aren't vermin, nor do they carry disease, nor are they dirty, contrary to what many people say!)!!

also, guinea pigs are very good because they are very friendly. we've had ours for 3 1/2 years and they've never bitten anyone :D (well, except the vet, but he was trying to shove a thermometer or something up its bum! :huh: :lol: )
My sister and I had guniea (spelling) pigs when we were growing up, and had so much fun with them. We got them from a lps and at the time knew we got two females, but didn't know they were preggo when we took them home. Both ended up having like 4 babies each. My mom thought the local neighbor boys played a prank on us and put some baby mice in the cage...LOL

Other then that, fish are awesome to have. They provide hours of entertainment.

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