Need A New Species In Our 20 Gallon. Ideas?


Sep 7, 2006
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Seattle, WA U.S.A.
We have a 20 gallon tank with 3 platies (2 are pregnant) and a very small group of harlequin rasboras. What would an ideal addition be? We are considering a female betta.

Our water pH is 7.0 - 7.2
Have the temperature at mid 70s.

Thank you for your input!
With 3 platies and a small group of harlequins there is alot of possibility. First of all, keep in mind that you platies will give birth and the fry will become adults, this will take some space. Remember the 1" of fish per U.S. gallon when adding fish to your aquarium. You can have about 2-3'' inches more fish but its highly recommended not to go over (whch is 20''-23'' for a 20 gallon tank in your case). ok now with the fish.

you could add some dwarf gouramis (grow to 2.5'' max), a normal gourami (up to 6'' max), a group of 5 tetras (they can each grow up to 2'' depending on species), a khuli loach (5'' max), 3-4 corydoras ( up to 3'' each), a small to large group of otocinclus' (max 1.5'' each) or balloon mollies (up to 2'') and I personally love them!!
Hope I gave you some insight and remember 1'' of fish per U.S. gallon of water. Cory's, tetras and otocinclus' must be kept in groups. There are alot of other fish and here is a helpful website with many variaties and facts about them all!

Best of luck
Thanks for your help! We'll look in to these!

Corydoras Pandas would not be good due to temperature needs, yes?
Tastes differ of course, but if I were you, I would put something in that bottom space. Corys would do very nicely, or khuulie loaches.
Try a few cherry barbs/buenas aries barbs and maybe some silver tips in there ive found them quiet comunal and fun to watch.Adds a splash of colour.Or maybe try a few freshwater shrimps always good fun to have.
Thank you all for the replies. A few kuhli loaches seem ideal. Need to get some more hiding places up and our quarentine tank cycled first.
I have a female betta with my platys and they are best friends. You should get the female betta, they have great attitudes and are really smart! :D

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