Need A New Light Fixture, Unsure Of What To Get


Fish Gatherer
Feb 26, 2013
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Hey everyone! For my 10 gallon Walstad, I'm thinking I need to improve the lighting conditions. I've got a modular Marineland LED strip, but I don't think the light is really getting through my tannins. It's looking like a blackwater tank right now because of all the driftwood in the tank, but I haven't got any leaf litter at the bottom. Any way, I think getting a stronger light will really help keep the lower plants healthy as a leaves on some of my smaller plants seem to be browning. 
I'm wondering if a different LED model would be the way to go or if I should go with a T8/T5 strip (and if I go this route, would T8 or T5 be best)? Any input would be lovely.
I upgraded from t8 to t5 and I noticed a tremendous difference. I think my plant shave grown considerably faster and the tank looks much nicer due to the light being so much brighter.
I'm not sure if it would translate due to your blackwater situation but it certainly improved my tank by using t5
I suppose around the time you posted, I picked up a new LED unit with three twenty inch LED tubes. If I am not pleased with the results, I'll swap it for a T5 setup instead. :)

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