Need a new filter...


Fish Crazy
Mar 6, 2004
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Pittsburgh PA
Hi, can anyone suggest a good filter for me to get? I want a basic hob power filter, I have a Whisper right now but I don't think it is powerful enough, as my water has been cloudy for awhile.

Also, how much water should it filter per hour? I was thinking maybe just get another Whisper, as I like it a lot, so if I decided on that should I get the 20 or the 30?

Thanks :)
I dunno for whispers but I like my aquaclear, and there pretty sheap when you find them on sale i bought a 200 for $25 and that would easily handle what you got
i love aqua clear filters.

they use a rectangle foam media and have 2 extra spaces for other things like carbon. or you can do what i do and buy 2 extra foam medias and triple youre bacteria surface area.

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