Need a name...


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Pet of the Month 🎖️
May 19, 2022
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Somewhere in space... Wyoming for mail.
Even though this involves a fish I'm putting this here as there is no problem and it is mostly fun... at least to me.

I got a new pleco that is a L262 Stardust and need a name. I don't name most fish but do Plecos. Whether male or female most plecos sort of look like guys and I name them Tank since they are armored. While I have no idea as to sex this one just looks like a girl and Tank would not fit. Below is what it looks like mature. The one I got looks the same but really small. :)

So far I have come up with three possible names.

1) Beastly which was the nick name for the human girl in the movie Maleficent with Angelina Jolie. Don't know why but it is a possibility.

2) Yvaine, which was the name name of the fallen star in the movie Stardust. Just due to the thing being a Stardust Pleco seems like it would fit better than Beastly.

3) Dusty, just due to it being sort of part of it's common name and it sort of fits the appearance.

Any other ideas as to a name? Spot, Freckles or Dots isn't gonna happen. Right now I think I'm leaning toward Dusty ;)

stardust cropped-small.jpg
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I love dusty its so cute!
Ya, like I said, I'm leaning toward Dusty. :)

I almost considered 'Streak' as it is so small that the couple of times it has come out from hiding it moves so fast that the dots look like lines. Still Streak isn't gonna happen.

Even though I've only had the critter for a day and a half I've already fallen in love even though it has very seldom come out of hiding. I just have a thing about plecos. I'm ex military and a lot of the military attitude involves pride. When a pleco is in full form with the dorsal and tail fully extended they just look proud. For some odd reason that touches me. I also like the fact that this critter seems to have an attitude. Even though one of the smallest fish in the tank when it has come out it has shown full bloom as to fins even though it has been in the tank less than 2 days. In this short of time I'd expect the fins to be clamped but they are not.

LOL! Then again it could just be a young teen with a REALLY bad case of acne! LOL
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I really like Dusty also, it suits him.
"HIM"???? I THINK that I declared the thing a girl regardless of actual sex!!!!! How darest thee name a her a him??? LOL! Just kidding of course! :) :banana:

Isn't it sort of funny though how we tend to asign him or her in general to different species of fish? Plecos are usually seen as a him while angels tend to be seen as a her. Or at least angels were seen as a her when my mom raised long ago. Man, my mom was the angel breeder from hell! She just had the 'touch'.
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Some of my fish I name. Just the special ones. I pick a theme like monsters or Klingons or cartoon characters and go from there. Plecostomus ? Name him Mr. Whipple because those fish really need several rolls of Charmin.
HIM"???? I THINK that I declared the thing a girl regardless of actual sex!!!!! How darest thee name a her a him??? LOL! Just kidding of course! :) :banana:
Dang my bad, it is 2022. 😬:lol:
Hey! 2 days in a row Dusty has come out of the caves. Yesterday was just for a few minutes but today has been around an hour so far.

LOL! I KNOW that this is all normal with a new fish even including her dorsal and tail being a bit clamped but I get hyper when I can't see a critter for an extended period. I always worry about what if something is wrong. ;) Hey, I guess it shows that I at least care. ;)

Don't know for sure what she is eating but it is something. I have sinking wafers that I drop that has 29% protein which she needs but the corys attack the stuff and it is gone before I see Dusty getting any. Mayhaps she is coming out at night when the lights are off to scavenge and I just don't see. I know that she must be eating something as she has already grown a bit. I judge the growth by comparing her size against my corys.

I want to get small sinking pellets of brine shrimp and blood worms for her but my local Petco has been out. I might just look on-line.
Sigh :( Forget about Dusty as the thing is gone. I don't mean dead, I mean gone. Even though I can't see any access I even took stuff out of the tank's built in filtration and there is no sign. Since I'm switching to live plants I even pulled all the plastic and the tree trunk. No sign of the critter anywhere... Yes, I examined the inside of the trunk REALLY well. The critter is just gone. Even though I can't see how it would be possible for the critter to actually escape the tank I even hunted on the surrounding floor. I think that it got eaten.

If eaten one would probably tend to blame the black skirt tetras but I don't think so. I think that the corys got it. They are nasty little beasts and I know for fact that they killed the original albino cory. I've always had corys without issue but didn't know that they were shoal fish. Since I added enough to school they have turned into vicious little beasts.
What ARE these monsters!??! They just swarmed and killed one of my black skirt tetras. They are like killer bees. I NEVER should have bought any fish from Petco! They were sold as miniature corys which I took as probably pygmies. They are vicious and I'm about ready to catch and flush. I know that they have swarmed and killed an albino cory and a black skirt. My best guess it that they also took down Dusty.

When I pulled all the plastic plants and the tree trunk I did a good vacuum. I pulled up a lot of white stringy stuff. Kind of looked like stringy meat. My guess is that it was Dusty's remains... :(

What IS this demon?!?
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