So when I got this fish I was looking for a blue acara. I'm not entirely sure now whether it is an acara or maybe something else. Sorry for the quality, took it with my iphone.
I can see the picture. I would also question the blue acara tag, though I'm not entirely sure what it is. At the moment the leading suggestion would be a jack dempsey, but that doesn't look right either, so I'm thinking a possibly hybrid invovling a jack dempsey (possibly blue acara x dempsey cross).
I agree with shroob. It looks alot like a JD but also has traits of another fish such as a blue acara. The mouth is to pointed and the color to dark to be a pure JD.
Iam going also with jack dempesy, think its just the angle and lighting that make's you think something else....could you get some more shots?try standing up and aiming downwards on the tank