need a gravel vac that works!!


Fish Herder
Aug 13, 2003
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have a sad little gravel vac that is a nightmare. it takes FOREVER to do water changes with ,& i keep having to re suction/syphon it cos its stops vacuuming all the time ( if you know what i mean - the stuff in the tube starts floating down again instead of being sucked up!! :crazy: ) i think the tubing/ outlet valve thingy is too small esp for cleaning a 37 uk gal tank. can anyone recommend a good one something that wont cause every muscle in my arm to cramp everytime i tackle the job??? what are the batterey powered vacuums like??? anyone tried one?? i dont want to splash out if theres a cheaper more effective alternative
is that a battrey interpet vac cheese??? or just a reg one?? i think ours is an interpet...maybe i just need something bigger. what are those python thingys folks are always singing the praises of??? what do they look like? what exactly do you do with them?? :huh:
millym said:
is that a battrey interpet vac cheese??? or just a reg one?? i think ours is an interpet...maybe i just need something bigger. what are those python thingys folks are always singing the praises of??? what do they look like? what exactly do you do with them?? :huh:
I dunno about pythons, I don't have a combi tap so it would not be of use to me (I don't think).

The interpet one is not battery. Just turn the thing round and shake it up and down. It's not that big either.

I find it really good. One of the best things I have ever bought.
Pets at home sell the battery ones i think... we have one and its pretty good, no effort whatsoever and u get all the crap collected in a nice little bag for you. Ours only does 20-40cm height though, any more or less and it wont work so I dont know if that would be a problem for you or if you can find different sized ones...

This is the one I use.

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