need a good sized pl*c


Fish Crazy
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
manchester england
i have a jewel 400 (103gal 400 liter) tank i reasonly lost my royal pl*c
i am after buying a 6-10" common plec i had one that was 16" and sold it 2 lfs and got £15 however the cheeky so and so sold that pl*c for £50 nowt like profit making (and he only gave me store credit so he made their aswell he get away with it as he is the only lfs in my area that takes large fish tw*t)

so anyway what price would you plp pay for 1 common pl*c around 6-10"
if i were you i'd bung a post in the wanted section here and another on a

There are always people needing to rehome plecs... and if its going to a good home then you will probubly get it for free (or atleast a few quid so they can replace it with another small one.

If you were closer to me I'd have a word with my parents... they have an 8/10" in their 30" tank that will need re homing soon...
like people have said you should be able to get one foc or about £5.00 there dead cheap when they get big. good luck i have two sail fin plecs 8" and 12" and they were both foc
I know it's quite a long way away, but there's a shop in Huddersfield that's closing down that sell nice plecs. Not common ones though, King tiger plecs. They're going cheap because it's closing.

They have a website
smithrc said:
if i were you i'd bung a post in the wanted section here and another on a

There are always people needing to rehome plecs... and if its going to a good home then you will probubly get it for free (or atleast a few quid so they can replace it with another small one.

If you were closer to me I'd have a word with my parents... they have an 8/10" in their 30" tank that will need re homing soon...
:no: look on the site but unforunaly they was none near my area thanks anyway ill keep on looking :( is their no one in the manchester area getting rid if you are give me an e-mail :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:

got one £7.50 6" not bad sailfin gip

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