Need A Buddy


Fish Fanatic
Dec 28, 2008
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anyone real experienced with SW tanks and stuff, and need a buddy? im just starting and read up on a bunch of stuff, but the best way i learn is like...talking to someone, one person...or watching it, or seeing not a good read a bunch of stuff know? i gotta communicate 1 on 1...its hard with 1 on 50, like on forums cuz i get alot of opinions, which is good, but confusing for me too. i dont like it, but its how i am...

so, my yahoo is pimppistol, msn, and my email is any of those or PMing on here...
If you're really a hands on learner, might I suggest looking up a local reef club and visiting tanks of people in your area. I think you'll find most saltwater aquarists would love to show off their tank and help you out personally if you ever want to drop by. Where abouts do you live?
middle of effing no where... not really, but im apart of a local freshwater and saltwater forum, both in a town an hour ish away. so i cant just go up any day. i gotta plan and make a day of it. but since im going friday for a concert, it cant be too soon.

and theres really no one here in this town i know of that has fish. the only fish store is walmart...and that place SUCKS!

but i live in texas. an hourish south of dallas. in corsicana
Cool man, well if you haven't had any hits yet I'd be happy to be a bouncing board for ideas if you'd like. My computer time is so scattered so chatting rarely works for me, but if you'd like some ideas/help feel free to start PMing me anytime :)

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