I have a 125ltr tank and have the following:
5 x neon tetras
5 x lemon tetras
4 x platy's
4 x panda corys
I am happy with my current stock but as all of my fish are fairly small I just feel that 2 slightly larger fish would finish off my tank lightly. I had considered 2 dwarf gouramie but have been put off by people's reports off their aggressive nature. Can anybody reccomend any slightly larger and most importantly peaceful fish for my tank?
I have a 125ltr tank and have the following:
5 x neon tetras
5 x lemon tetras
4 x platy's
4 x panda corys
I am happy with my current stock but as all of my fish are fairly small I just feel that 2 slightly larger fish would finish off my tank lightly. I had considered 2 dwarf gouramie but have been put off by people's reports off their aggressive nature. Can anybody reccomend any slightly larger and most importantly peaceful fish for my tank?