Need 2 Know The Size And Identify Wot Types Of Gourami Ive Got


New Member
May 22, 2007
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gourami`s are lovely fish , i just got 4 ther other day but im abit unsure what type they are and how big they get, my girlfriend bought them and didnt assk wot they were ya see. 2 of them are orange with a lovely blue tail which really stands out (LFS said they are honey gourami`s but theyre not the same as the pic that was displayed earlier) so id like 2 know what they are and how big they get, also she bought 2 bright yellow beautiful gourami`s which are alot larger than the orange ones. id like 2 know what theyre called and how big they get as i think theyre guna be big ones.
id really appreciate it if u cud help me, thanks

3 clown loaches, 3 cory`s, 1 common plec (if theres another name for the common plec cud u let m kno plz) , 8 neons, 2 blue rams, 2 honey gourami`s, 2 ytellow gourami`s ? , red tailed shark and 3 candy loaches ( botia something?? ) (plz cud u help me identify the candy loach aswell as im not 2 sure wot the proper name is. thanks
The honey gourami's are generally peaceful fish, grow to about 5 cm/2" at the most. Could the other gourami's you mention be these?


These are golden gourami's, or Trichogaster trichopterus to give them their scientific name. They grow to about 15 cm/6", so you need to allow 6 gallons of tank space for these fish. They are quite hardy fish, and as long as your tank can accommodate their eventual size, they should do quite well.

I hope you haven't just found out the hard way about researching all your fish before buying them. If you do you know if you have the means to look after them properly before you bring them home.
The honey gourami's are generally peaceful fish, grow to about 5 cm/2" at the most. Could the other gourami's you mention be these?


These are golden gourami's, or Trichogaster trichopterus to give them their scientific name. They grow to about 15 cm/6", so you need to allow 6 gallons of tank space for these fish. They are quite hardy fish, and as long as your tank can accommodate their eventual size, they should do quite well.

If you have the Trichogaster, they do not only get big, but are also one of the most agressive gouramis. 6 gallons is definitively not enough for them. You need at least 10 for each. 6 gallons each should be enough for the honey gouramis though. Also, please check the sex of your fish, as the female would likely be harrassed by the male, if you have a couple. It is best to have 1 male to 2 females, or if you have enough space, 2 males could do. What size is your tank?
The honey gourami's are generally peaceful fish, grow to about 5 cm/2" at the most. Could the other gourami's you mention be these?


These are golden gourami's, or Trichogaster trichopterus to give them their scientific name. They grow to about 15 cm/6", so you need to allow 6 gallons of tank space for these fish. They are quite hardy fish, and as long as your tank can accommodate their eventual size, they should do quite well.

If you have the Trichogaster, they do not only get big, but are also one of the most agressive gouramis. 6 gallons is definitively not enough for them. You need at least 10 for each. 6 gallons each should be enough for the honey gouramis though. Also, please check the sex of your fish, as the female would likely be harrassed by the male, if you have a couple. It is best to have 1 male to 2 females, or if you have enough space, 2 males could do. What size is your tank?

By the 6 gallon, i just meant 6 gallon out of the total stocking capacity of the tank. That wasn't allowing for swimming space. I hope that leostockton2007 (can you guess what he's called, where he's from and when he registered? :) ) has a decent size tank for these fish, the three clown loaches grow to 12 inches each eventually on their own! And a common pleco! :shout: :hyper: Yikes, if he hasn't got at least a 6 footer he's screwed!
thanks for ya help i found out that ive got 2 gold gouramis and 2 dwarf honey gourami`s. got no clown loaches anymore and ive got a 4 foot tank. i got a dwarf gourami aswell its blue and red, very colourful. black sharks only small and so are the 2 loaches i have which are like pakistani loaches. about an inch n a half each. so is the red tailed shark.the plecs getting big like and propa messing the tank up the little F****R lol

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