

Fish Addict
Jul 6, 2005
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southampton uk
all my fish in betta tank are nearly dead! i have lost 3 cories.

i changed tank yesterday but kept filter media. everything looks so ill!

i cant test the water either as i have no test kit!

what can i do? i really dont want to lose my betta :(
hi. you can take a sample of water into your LFS and they'll test the water for you! hope that helps. You are probably still going through a mini-cycle even though you kept the old filter cartridge.

Its really hard to help you if we dont have your parameters, as this is more likely than not your problem. i would suggest removeing teh bettas and putting them in any containers you can find with some distilled or bottled water with a little stress coat to keep them alive untill you can get your tank sorted out.
i know i need a test kit just really depends on how skint you are and if you can afford it!

still no better today, my betta is just laid on the floor :/
I would suggest a 25% water change and if possible move the betta to a small container with fresh de-chlorinated water so he can get to the top easily and float in the tank if you have no other way of heating the container. Could just be the shock of changing the tank or maybe the water company just happened to mess with your water that day. I've had it happen on the day of a water change and nealry lost the lot :grr:

Hope they pull through for you Laura :nod:
Hi Laura how are your fishes? Did you move the betta to another container with nice clean water in? fingers crossed. :good:
he is not well he has been laid in same place all day!

feel so upset about it. i tested water today. starts are all normal. so i dont understand what is going on. :angry:

is it best to put him out of his misery? he is just laid on the floor and is breathing very shallow. my cories are the same :(
I dont do euthanasia. If you have done all you can, dont blame yourself just leave them now. Have you tried the betta in clean water? lol
when you say you changed the tank, do you mean it's a brand new tank and gravel system, or that you super-cleaned all the old stuff? if so it probably is cycling, even with the old filter media. the betta is likely saveable if that is the only issue because bettas can live in non-cycled tanks as long as they get water changes, so I would definately suggest finding him a gallon or so container to keep until the cycling finishes. As for the cories, I don't know much about them, your best bet is probably just to keep up on the water changes until things level out again. :/

[edit] i don't think this is a situation where euthanasia is necessary as even if the tank is cycling, the fish may well survive it. I've seen plenty of fish survive cycling tanks, even neon tetras who are supposedly very vulnerable to this sort of thing. just make sure to keep a close eye on it and do water changes frequently.
If I need to I just get any container, even smaller than a 1 gall. Put tap water in, tap safe, tiny tiny bit of aqua salt. Make sure water is virtually same temp as water betta is in and pop him in there. I have also found if you put the container with betta in right near another tank and put a lid on container..anything will do even a place mat.... it keeps warmer than room temp. Fingers crossed. :)
i could put him in an ice cream container. only problem i have is that it wont be very warm! any ideas how i can heat it? our house is old so not a warm house!
Hi Laura. Southampton is probably as warm as Northampton! and I live in an old terraced house and it does get cold. Got any warm spots in the kitchen where the central heating runs> on a work surface I used to keep a betta on work surface that had a freezer under it. I got a poorly betta at the mo in an old water filter jug with the lid on and he is ok. I take it yours is still alive though? Liz
Can you not float the container in your tank? Or like Liz says, put it somewhere warm and maybe try a desk lamp over the top :dunno:

The reason we suggested putting clean water in the container for the betta is that there could be something in the water from the day you changed it. It could be something that does not show up on lfs testing. Its what I would do anyway and with a bit of luck if it was that, its now diluted out and safe to use in your aquarium again.

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