***Corydora Crazy***
I bought a new hob filter a few months ago and after doing a straight swap of media(identical filter) the blasted thing started making noises last night i managed to stop it,but got up this morning to find my juvi tank in a cloudy bloom
I did an immediate waterchange just in case,and all appeared fine,zero ammonia and nitrite,so i can't understand why its cloudy...
Its still cloudy now,but i have decided to take all 40 albino & bronze juvis around 4-5 months old to the lfs and hope they have room for them.
I've tried phoning but keep getting their answerphone
So fingers crossed,the filter has a 2 yr guarentee,but obviously need to get a filter to put the mature media in before it dies off.
I did an immediate waterchange just in case,and all appeared fine,zero ammonia and nitrite,so i can't understand why its cloudy...
Its still cloudy now,but i have decided to take all 40 albino & bronze juvis around 4-5 months old to the lfs and hope they have room for them.
I've tried phoning but keep getting their answerphone
So fingers crossed,the filter has a 2 yr guarentee,but obviously need to get a filter to put the mature media in before it dies off.