Navarre's got competition!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 20, 2004
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Minnesota - I do NOT have an accent!
I'm going to get my new tank sometime this week, I believe. I have to wait until I have a vehicle big enough to haul it in.

It's going to be 220 US gallons. Not quite as big as Navarre's, but still pretty darn big. I don't even want to think about how much live rock is going to cost. :crazy:

So I'll just think about all the cool things I'll eventually put in it. :p
Oooh, was talking to my lfs last week about a 272.5 gal (uk [327gal us]) that i want, seems very reasonable, just need to do a few mods to my house, but it will be cheaper than my 112gal tank in all!! :crazy: , that will be with a 200 gal sump aswell!. Just need to weigh up the building modifications :huh: , but i do have a 200 gal tank just sitting in my garage :*) .
I have a 220 gallon that I just drilled for 2 overflows, are you getting one reef ready? Is it a Perfecto? I love mine, the only problem is the height, very hard to reach way down into the tank and move stuff around, you'll have a either make or buy a grabber claw so that you can reach in without getting your arm pit wet.
I'm going to buy an overflow. It's by All Glass Aquariums.

Mine's going in the living room in the basement, so we don't really have to worry too much about the floor since it's all concrete underneath - we just have to figure out how to get it down the stairs! :blink:
You salties have the most trouble i reckon, with tank size, cost etc... lol!

Well worth the effort though! :) I cant wait too see some pics.!
Wait a second, you're in minnesota?! I am too! I gotta tell you man, DRILL IT!! I just drilled mine last week, and if you are close by I would even be willing to come over and help. I would hate to come home to a tank that emptied out and killed thousands of dollars worth of critters because an overflow box didn't hold siphon. ESPECIALLY in a tank of that size, just way to much live stuff to that depends on something as fragile as a siphon during power outages. That's my take, let me know if you want help drilling it.
The siphon would eventually stop, wouldn't it? And wouldn't the outflow siphon during a power outage, too?

Where'd you get your tank at? I'm going to get mine at Aqualand (unless you know of someplace better/cheaper).

The guy working at Aqualand actually told me to go buy hermit crabs at A World Of Fish, bcause they were cheaper there! LOL! :lol:
a over flow box/wier inside the tank for the drilling doesn't work on a syphon.

the water thats pumped into the tank overflows into the box which then drains to the sump, once the pumps stop pumping the water level drains to point where it cannot overflow any more so aslong as your sump can hold about 3cm of your tanks volume extra you won't have any floods.
Great news ecto! I welcome any healthy competition on tank sizes.! Its nice to see a few members coming forward with larger setups.... The nano gang have had a monopoly lately :p :lol:
ecto1 said:
The siphon would eventually stop, wouldn't it? And wouldn't the outflow siphon during a power outage, too?

Where'd you get your tank at? I'm going to get mine at Aqualand (unless you know of someplace better/cheaper).

The guy working at Aqualand actually told me to go buy hermit crabs at A World Of Fish, bcause they were cheaper there! LOL! :lol:
I got mine from Gary the manager at Har Mar Pet Shop. Got a great deal and good customer service, if you talk to him tell him that Paul with the 220 gallon sent you over. I don't know if he'll be able to beat the price that aqualand is willing to sell it to you for, but it's worth a try. As far a clean up crew goes, get them online!! The prices are much better (if you are ordering in large numbers, like 50 snails or something) comes to mind.
If you don't mind me asking, how much was your tank, and did it come with a stand?

At Aqualand, the tank and stand is $1800, I believe. :crazy:

When I stock the tank, I'm going to get my cleanup crews from - they have amazing prices, and I have heard great things about them.

Now that I think about it, drilling the tank is a much better idea. I understand why, now. It just took me a while. :p I was going to buy a sump (prebuilt) that came with an overfow. I'm still thinknig about whether I should buy a sump or build one. How big should I go for this size tank?
You don't want to know how much I paid, I got mine used from Gary at Har Mar Pet. I would go ahead and drill it, that's what I did, I would be willing to help you out there if you need help. I would go with a 40 gallon breeder as the sump, these can be had for pretty cheap. Check with Gary, let him know how much aqualand is willing to sell it to you for and see what happens. If you let him know that I sent you in and am helping you set up your tank, he might cut you a break, who knows. If you want I can call him up and let him know you are coming in, what's your "street" name?
Don't quote me on this, but I think Wet Pet in Apple Valley had a 220 and stand for 1200 or so. Might be worth a call to see if they still have it. I think you had to join the "club" or something but I think it was about $10 a year for that. Good Luck and take lots of pics!!!

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