Natural Ph Of My Tap Water


Apr 26, 2011
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The pH of my tap water is actually really quite high. I'd never really bothered with pH much before so haven't really tested for it as the fish I kept have a wide range with regard to pH. However, the fish I'm looking to get require neutral to slightly alkaline water. My water has a pH of 8. Out of curiosity, what are some examples of fish that are best kept at this pH and what can I do to lower it slightly?
The cichlids from rift valley would find that starting position very appealing :good:

To lower it then you could add peat/leaves etc to soften the water (there is usually a link between the hardness and alkilinity of the water) and therefore reduce the ph slightly. Adding CO2 would apparently reduce the pH too.

I think angels like a alkaline ph. Not sure.
Really? Oh maybe I saw a different type of fish then they looked alot like angels and the worker at the LFS said they liked a ph of 8.0. Must of been a different species.
Really? Oh maybe I saw a different type of fish then they looked alot like angels and the worker at the LFS said they liked a ph of 8.0. Must of been a different species.

must be, they are adaptable but do prefer it soft, acidic, warm, slow flow, that's why they are one of few compatible tank mates for discus.
what happens to your pH over time though OP ?

my water is soft but pH is 8.2 out of the tap.

once each tank has cycled...i noticed that pH is more like 6.4...presumably due to the soft water.

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