Natural Light.


Fish Herder
Aug 22, 2003
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Swamp Monger Floridian in Tennessee
Well after my light blew for good I decided to try something.
I put my tank near a window where it gets sunlight throughout the day.
I use the curtains to control the light/heat.
What I've noticed.

My plants are growing so fast I'm amazed. Even the "slow" growers are sending out new shoots/leaves. Foliage is thick and healthy.
Because of how thick my plants are- Algae hasnt been a problem.

My fish LOVE it. They dart in and out of the light, playing!
Their colors have enhanced as well.
It gets about an hour of almost direct sunlight each day. The trees filter it though- so the water doesnt get hot. It's stays in the 70's range.

The asthetic values...
It is absolutely beautiful! The sunlight shines on spots throughout the day- constantly moving. The water sparkles! It's like-a fantasy tank,lol. :wub:
After using Sunlight- I am so not going back to "fake" lights!
best thing is it's free and doesnt run my electric bill up,hehehe.

K, I'm through rambling now,lol. :*)

Edit- oh yeah, I suppose I should put some down sides here as well. :D

* In the wrong hands sunlight can heat your tank too much and possibly kill your fish- and algae can be a problem.* :p
* Sends you some sunlight*
I almost moved to the UK a while back. Now I'm thinking- better I didnt,lol. Me likes the sun! :lol:
Y'all drive funny.. -_-
Really though- I wanna come visit someday in the not too far future. :)
Sun? Sun? Oh!!! She means that bright yellow thing thats in the sky sometimes for a couple of months in the middle of summer!
Sun? Sun? Oh!!! She means that bright yellow thing thats in the sky sometimes for a couple of months in the middle of summer!

Where I'm from we call that a really bright cloud. :hyper:
crimsontsavo said:
Y'all drive funny.. -_-
Naughty, naughty :grr: :rolleyes: and y'all feel homesick and name every place the same as what you had back 'ome :p :D

Me likes sun too !!! I am going for a holiday in the tropics :hyper:
how long has you had the sun on your tank?

I live in Az where we get unabashed sun 300 days a year.

I might try this if all goes well.
I'm not really sure,lol. No more than a couple months I guess. I've done tanks like this- but it was yearrrrrrrrs ago. All they ever had was sunlight- no artificial lights.
If you control the amount of light it gets- you can control the growth.

It's different for everyone I would think- because the sun does shine differently in
other places.
Just keep a check on your tempature and how you fish are doing- they are normally the best indicator of how healthy your tank is. And the plants too. :D
HTH's! :thumbs:

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