Natives Section


Fish Crazy
Jul 14, 2007
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hi im here to propose an idea of a native section in the forum and i would like to say because my main feild of expertese is in natives and im sure that there are many others on this forum who would agree with me on this idea that a natives section would be rather helpfull seings that many of the people on the coldwater forum have made arguements on how the coldwater fish section should be split up but i havnt seen any mod replys on these so i as i was saying can we get a natives section because many people have those fish like the purple spotted gudeon and the australian rainbowfish look for info on them on this site only to not find what their looking for
im just saying it would be helpfull for those who need it
please reply
Every species is a Native somewhere.

Would a newcomer look for information about Australian Rainbows in CC&A, or Natives, especially if he was from, say, US, where there are no native rainbows?

Would a European look for info on Darters in Coldwater, or Natives?

Would anyone who didn't know much about a particular species, (a good percentage of the membership), know enough already to know where it came from?

I see confusion.
Well as this is a English owned forum then natives are surely carp, perch, roach and pike etc etc :p
Well as this is a English owned forum then natives are surely carp, perch, roach and pike etc etc :p

It isnt the owner that makes the forum, it is the people who post that do....of course it does help when someone pays the bill....
exactly CFC thats what im saying this is an english site so thus there isnt many people out there on this site that live in those areas were those tropical fish are found (apart from america that is) natives are what you dont find in the petstores but are what you find in your local river or stream
eels are found quite often in my local river and and also large schools of (what seems to be) mosquito fish or a top level galaxid of some type
and the occaisional large grunter
so is it a go with the natives section?
i suspect that it's a "no" ;) CFC's point is a restatement of Lateral's: a Natives section is essentially meaningless in an international forum like this. again, any so-called native fish is already encompassed in the categories currently in existence.
well were do perch, pike and roach fit in the fish species index? cause im gonna wright a topic on golden perch
if anyone would like i could write up profiles for aussie fish and you can then search for the fish using the search function and find my thread

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