Nasty Neons


Fish Fanatic
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
I've had a shoal of 21 neons for nearly 3 years with no problems apart from the odd squobble. However, this past week or two they seem to have turned and are battering the hell out of each other. I saw 2 fighting the other day and within an hour 1 was dead. At first I thought it was just the one who instigated it and seemed to be guarding an area but on closer inspection they all seem to be as bad as each other and they all seem to go back for more!!!

Its harmony in the tank otherwise - who'd have thought the littliest of the bunch were the ones giving me most trouble.
Mine are the same, except they havent killed each other
How long do neons live? Isn't it fish instinct to start attacking the weakest ones in their shoal? if they are all old and getting weak, maybe they are having a free for all. Could just be grumpy old ####s!! But I am not sure. mine shoot back and forth at each other once in a while, but it is like play. They still swim together. But then again, I have 6 :p

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