Nasty creature


Fish Herder
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
cardiff uk
Hi i did a water change on sat and in my bucket i noticed a very long yellow greeeny worm looking like creature i though it was planaria -_- but now im not soooo sure, he's the description:-

Yellow - greeny in colour
moves like a worm
2 inches in length

Could it be large planaria worm or something more serious, any suggestions would be great.
I was on a gold fish forum and I was reading that one lady had a problem with them before only except it was stuck to the side of her fish she said it was like a leech or something she had a awful time getting rid them I will go back there and see what she done and I will let you know.
no pic im afraid it went down the bog with the tank water, just wondered where it came from? Haven't seen anything attacted to fish because i check them all everyday usually at feeding time.

It was abit of a shock to be honest :eek:
i know what a cold water leech looks like as we have them in out pond. all i have to do is put my hand in and they are on it by the time i pull it out. they arent normally that long tho. and they dont moove like worms so much as rubber band that have snapped. they kinda streatch. the colour is dark brown tho thats only one type ive seen. there probably are others.

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