Nasty Algae On My Crinum Calamistratum Plant


Fish Fanatic
May 3, 2010
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I should start by saying this plant was most definitely an impulse buy (it was on sale big time). I did ask a few questions to the gentleman in charge of the plants area at my LFS, but he really didn't know a whole lot as to the care of this plant. I did look up some basics about the care for it,but apparently i didn't implement that knowledge very well. I must admit the problem of algae on this plant might just be a larger problem of algae in the tank (see the Ludwigia Narrow Leaf picture below). If any of you can impart any advice on keeping this plant or perhaps what i could do for the tank as a whole please let me know. I should also mention that the tank is a work in progress.






This is the lighting i'm using

Tank Stats
Size: 30 USG
Substrate: Eco-Complete (fairly new)
Lighting: 4x 13w 6500K CFL bulbs (total of 1.73 WPG)
Ferts: None
Filtration: Penguin Biowheel 150 HOB
Photoperiod: 3 hours on, 3 hour blackout, 4 hours on
This type of algae is common in tanks with poor circulation, and if I recall correctly, Eco-complete leaches ammonia slightly, this could also be a factor. Your photoperiod could do with adjusting, go for the straight 7 hours, the 'siesta' period favours algae as it is the more adaptable of the two.

Increase your circulation, and perform a 3 day black out remove as much of the algae as you can prior though, the tank must receive no light, so no feeding or waterchanges etc, perform a 50% water change before and after the black out, once it's been done, if you increase your circulation it shouldn't come back, large frequent water changes after the black out will be beneficial also as they'll reduce the levels of ammonia being leached from the substrate.
Okay great suggestion! One problem though, Im not really sure what would be good to increase the circulation. would something like this be okay?

Also where would be a good place in my tank to put it? lower front left?
That'd be fine, place it where you like, but an upper rear corner would be best.
I agree. Sort out the circulation, don't bother with a seista and get some more plants! Lots of healthy growing plants means no algae. You need more of a plant biomass.

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