Nassarius Vibex


Fish Herder
Mar 9, 2006
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How many Nassarius vibex do people use in there tank is there a ratio per square foot of sand?

I have 10 in my TL550 and my sand still has diatoms on it do I need more or do I need something else to sort it?
How many Nassarius vibex do people use in there tank is there a ratio per square foot of sand?

I have 10 in my TL550 and my sand still has diatoms on it do I need more or do I need something else to sort it?

I think you need about 15 Morri or better still how about some ceriths

Seffie x
Thanks Seffie I will grab a mix on the weekend need to add some more to the cube as well ;)
The Conch is in the TL 550 and a very happy bunny he is so I will not move him he was in my mental calcs ;)

I will be only adding 1 or 2 more in the tl 550

Its just the CuC for the 18" cube 20 seemed way to many for me

I was thinking 10 in there will add 3 or 4 more each nass and cereiths and I like the idea of a Tuxedo urchin
Get the bumble bee Nassarius. Much prettier than the normal ones!
He doesn't cause any problems and my rocks are not secured together in any way, i love the guy. I sometimes hear a tapping and at first thought i had a mantis but then realised it was him with a shell stuck on his back, it was tapping against the side :rofl:

Seffie x
Ended up with more than I planned to get but thats normal.

1 x Yellow sea Cucumber
1 x tuxedo Urchin
3 x Ceriths
5 x nass
1 x Rainbow Acan
1 x Green and red Zoa

Apparently they are getting in some Electric Blue Zoas tommorrow have some cash left over to hopefully get a frag.
Well, you your sure wont have any algae problems with that lot - just have to ensure they get enough to eat

seffie x

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