lmao... don't you just love how I jump from forum to forum asking questions? Anyway. When we move into our new house I may get a spawning tub for the bettas which frees me a 10 gallon tank, which I might turn into nano. From what I've read it sound relatively easy to put together, though nuking is an issue. It would be FOWLR to start with, maybe some simpler corals if I upgrade lighting. I dunno, it seems like the equipment I need is just a heater and a powerhead? Do I need all the stuff for the bigger tanks, like skimmers? My stocking plan would be, essentially, basically the only fish a firefish if it would work. Would a 15 watt fluorescent work for just LR? What inverts could I have, and are there any shrimp I could get? Thanks. Also, not including actual tank, what is the estimated cost?