

Apr 27, 2006
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Washington USA
lmao... don't you just love how I jump from forum to forum asking questions? :rolleyes: Anyway. When we move into our new house I may get a spawning tub for the bettas which frees me a 10 gallon tank, which I might turn into nano. From what I've read it sound relatively easy to put together, though nuking is an issue. It would be FOWLR to start with, maybe some simpler corals if I upgrade lighting. I dunno, it seems like the equipment I need is just a heater and a powerhead? Do I need all the stuff for the bigger tanks, like skimmers? My stocking plan would be, essentially, basically the only fish a firefish if it would work. Would a 15 watt fluorescent work for just LR? What inverts could I have, and are there any shrimp I could get? Thanks. Also, not including actual tank, what is the estimated cost?
For a 10 gallon tank you would not need a skimmer. I mean, you could, but you don't need it. If you want to run a FOWLR tank and just run a powerhead I would suggest 1.5xtank so that is 15 pounds of live rock. Lets it fully cure before doing anything. A firefish would be a great fish for a 10 gallon tank. I would suggest a Blood Shrimp, a Cleaner Shrimp (Skunk Cleaner) or Peppermint shrimp. You could have hermit, snails, shrimp. They whole load, just not slugs, clams, or cucumbers. 15 watts would be ok for FOWLR but remember that some of the stuff that comes on your rock may die becuase of that. I would estimate 300 dollars for the entire thing.
Done the calculation myself. I don't know the exact price of the firefish but on DRF&S it's 15.00 so I went with that, good estimate give or take a few dollars. Are there any other options for a tank of that size? My mom says it looks wierd. Anyhow the total estimate for the actual setup is 180, I haven't done the things like the hydrometer (is that what it's called?) or the test kit. Have to check out this place who sells the LR for 6.99$, sounds like a good price to me.
Great then... I've got about 50$ saved up. :lol: Only need 130$ to go, but I'll make sure to tell ya'll when I get it. I hope by December I should have the funds and will have it set up when I get the new house. :)

EDIT: I forgot, does it need RO water? I know our tap water is particularly good as we have a private well and I know it has a water softener with no chlorines or chloramines but I don't know exactly what water we need. Also, how much a week will I spend on salt?
theres a swller on ebay that sells LR for 2.59 or something like that per pound. but shhh! dont tell anyone! The reviews for him/her seem to be very good too.
LOL I dunno, shipping would probably do me in... ;) Might as well go local, I don't mind it too much.
Salt is cheap, if you buy in even moderate bulk, you'll spend less than a $ per week on salt.

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