i have a question regarding the upgrading of 24 gallon JBJ nano cubes. can u just buy a higher watt bulb or do you have to tottaly change the hood of the cube to upgrade the lighting?
The nano cube hood is designed to function with the supplied ballast. To upgrade your lighting, you must buy a 'retrofit' and rewire the hood. This could lead to heat issues either requiring better fans or a chiller. If rewiring is not your thing, some people have removed the hood and put a metal halide over the tank. But...you'll need to make a cover to prevent evaporation and fish escapees. SH
When you say make a cover can i just cut a piece of acrylic or something to fit the top of the tank? Also what size metal helide do you think i need? also if you could direct me to a good site or store that sells the one i need
Yes..you could cut a hood over it. Check out nanotuners.com or look at JBJlighting.com. Coralife has a nice metal halide clip on too. You could either go with a 70 or 150 depending on what you want to keep. SH