Davit Gogoladze

New Member
Jan 10, 2020
Reaction score
Georgia, Tbilisi

Hello! This is my nano tank (3months)

ELU aqua soil
2x 5w 6500k led (8h)
filter aquael versamax fzn-1

Anubias barteri var. nana
glossostigma elatinoides
Hemianthus micranthemoides
Christmas Moss

Heterandria formosa 10+
shrimps neocaridina 20+

JBL Ferropol
JBL Ferropol Tabs

Really nice tank. I appreciate the skill with the aquascaping and the Co2. How do you manage Co2 in such a small tank?
Nice. I suggest you add more cpd (galaxy rasbora). They are much better in large groups. I have 30 in a 40x40x40cm with RCS. At least that is what I started with. I have had fry but the tank won't get overrun because they eat their own eggs - and so do the shrimp.
Nice. I suggest you add more cpd (galaxy rasbora). They are much better in large groups. I have 30 in a 40x40x40cm with RCS. At least that is what I started with. I have had fry but the tank won't get overrun because they eat their own eggs - and so do the shrimp.
I have 6 with RCS.
They are in a 6.6 gal. They seem happy as larks. Wish I had them in a bigger tank, though. I had a 10g tank but chose to put my 5 Mountain Minnows and 2 Amano in because they are bigger.
Really cool tank

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