Nano tank carpet and other plants

Ellie Potts

Sep 12, 2020
Reaction score
North Carolina
Any plant recommendations for a nano tank? Specifically looking for an easy carpeting plant, but will take anything
Currently thinking java fern, some anubias, and java moss will be in the tank/on some driftwood. Might put in a type of Cryptocoryne but don't have much experience with it. Thinking Salvinia floater

Tank is a 5-gallon tropical, I'll be putting nice lights on it but again don't want any plant too picky. No Co2, yes fertilizer
Any plant recommendations for a nano tank? Specifically looking for an easy carpeting plant, but will take anything
Currently thinking java fern, some anubias, and java moss will be in the tank/on some driftwood. Might put in a type of Cryptocoryne but don't have much experience with it. Thinking Salvinia floater

Tank is a 5-gallon tropical, I'll be putting nice lights on it but again don't want any plant too picky. No Co2, yes fertilizer
depending on lighting marselia or glosso, otherwise use pearl weed.
Any plant recommendations for a nano tank? Specifically looking for an easy carpeting plant, but will take anything
Currently thinking java fern, some anubias, and java moss will be in the tank/on some driftwood. Might put in a type of Cryptocoryne but don't have much experience with it. Thinking Salvinia floater

Tank is a 5-gallon tropical, I'll be putting nice lights on it but again don't want any plant too picky. No Co2, yes fertilizer
I’m no expert but I have a 5 gallon Spec V, non co2, stock light and dose easy green fertilizer once a week. My current plants seem to do quite well: anubias nana petite, cryptocoryne wendrii red (planted about a month ago), anubias barteri, süsswassertang, frogbit, and dwarf water lettuce. With 9 chili rasbora, neocaridina shrimp, and a Nerite snail, with a weekly water change the water parameters stay quiet constant (check them every few days). I’m happy with how it looks now, but would like to try a carpet at some point so definitely interested where this thread will go. Good luck finding plants!
The only carpet plant I've ever had much luck with is clover fern, Marsilea crenata. It took it a month or two to convert to its submerged form, during which I really thought it was just dying. But once it got going it has never looked back.*
You can see it in this video. It's the tiny, round-leafed plant growing all over the substrate. If you like it I'd be happy to send you a bit once it warms up...but that might not happen until July, at the rate we're going. So you're probably better off ordering some. I got it from, which is a high-quality plant store in my experience.

*metaphorically, of course. Plants, strictly speaking, don't really look back, forward, or any other direction..
The same tank has Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia and C. blassii, both of which are really nice nano plants. I've had pretty good luck with C. wendtii, too, though it does eventually get fairly big, so you'll want to plant it toward the back.
(sorry for the multiple postings; I keep thinking of more ideas)
For a nano floater, floating fern, Salvinia natans, is really nice. I got some off ebay. Really pretty and grows like the weed it is in my setup.
(sorry for the multiple postings; I keep thinking of more ideas)
For a nano floater, floating fern, Salvinia natans, is really nice. I got some off ebay. Really pretty and grows like the weed it is in my setup.
All great advice! I'll see if I can get some clover fern at my LFS. Excited to play with the texture of crypts

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