Nano Skimmer


Fish Fanatic
Aug 17, 2006
Reaction score
sheffield UK
Hi all

Still piecing my hardware list together!!

I have been looking for a skimmer for the tank im setting up (96l, 21 UK gal, 25 US gal).

I have heard good reports for the V2 SKIM 400 and im considering this one.

Now i've heard its best to overskim, but is it ok to overskim to this extent, it states upto 90 UK gallons, which is a lot more than my volume!

Can anyone add any more recommendations into the mix for me to consider?

cheers for your patience everyone :good:

I have the V2 400 on my 55gal (uk) and it does a great job however I will be moving it to the sump on my 17gal setup soon. Be aware that the bubble trap is less then useless and the intake is huge!! Personally I wouldn't use it in anything smaller than a 30gal for this reason unless it's going in a sump or you'll just have a tank full of hardware and bubbles.
yeah we have it in our 30g, it's definately being moved onto the sump cos the tank is full of hardware

it's a bit noisy but a very good skimmer
how bigs your tank?

DOH!, should read properly before posting.

I use the Tunze nano doc skimmer, its internal but not bad at all for your size tank.

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