Nano... Scape No. 2...

Cool, what kind of ferns would you have on the rocks? Bolbitus, some kind of java fern or something else? A lot of ferns grow very large so they may look too large in a small tank, but I'm sure you can prune them.

Quite a lot of light for such low-light plants, but I gues you're having some stem plants too.

I'm just thinking is there such need for a substrate like aquasoil for a tank with mostly plants which attatch to wood and rocks? I would personally save the money, stem plants can also get all their nutrients out of the water.

I'm looking forward to this tanks progress.

Sounds like it's going to be a cool easy to look after, low tech tank! Any idea on what fast growing plant you are going to use?

With the 24 watt T5 power compact be sure to fit a reflector on it.The arcadia ones seem to work well, better than the juwel ones ( I have two 24 watt t5's over my aquaqube both with reflectors.)
If you havn't decided on what diffuser you are going to use this one works great with my yeast base nutrafin co2 kit-

Oh, yea.Atm all I have got is some baby vallis, dwarf riccia floating and anubias barteri eyes on a peice of would plus a java moss bridge and a bit of flame moss + 3 baby thingys (forgot the name :lol: ).No algae apart from a bit of green which developes on the side over time.Imo 24 watts would be perfect.
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I do not think 24watt is too high light when you consider I have 36watt on the same size tank.
If I were you I'd go for the 24watt, a nice bush of rotala sp 'green' would be great and it would contrast well to the mostly darker ferns.

It's going to be a good tank.
Nice to see a new scape in the tank :) just wonder if the wood and rocks are a bit big? :/ Just a thought :)

I prefer the new scape. What exactly are you attatching the plants to? The wood or the rocks? Or Both?
Sounds like a good plant choice to me, Corin. Micranthemum umbrosum is a great stem plant and is ideal for nanos. If you can get hold of Tropica MU, you won`t be disappointed.

Oddly enough, I went to our local pets at home today and they had just recieved their order of tropica plants, they had some very healthy looking Micranthemum umbrosum and some Hydrocotyle, if you get them on the right days from Pets at Home it's not always that bad.

Changed the scape again... I think I definately have the rockwork the way I

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