Well, a couple of days ago I was in the LFS, and had a decent lighting system set up on my nano, and had money burning a hole in my pocket, so I decided to get some LR and some hermits. I ended up paying nearly $32 for a piece of live rock a little larger than a large softball and weighing about 2 pounds ($16.00/lb for Figi LR), but it was absolutely COVERED with purple/red calgareous (sp?) algae . I probably won't be buying most of my LR there... I also purchased 3 little Blue Legged Hermits. After acclimating them, I was watching them. It was nearly a half an hour before I realized I had been watching them so long, they're great! Then, yesterday, I was in again, and picked up another BLH and 3 Turbo Snails. The snails got to work right away, as did the hermit. Out of the 4 hermits, 2 seem to be content sitting there most of the time and the other 2 are constantly eating, lol. This morning a put a tiny bit of flake in for them, and a few bloodworms. They went around the whole tank eating the flake from the sand, and then just sat on the LR, waiting either for a bloodworm to come in reach or get snagged on the LR. It was quite comical, they just sat there and snagged at anything flowing by. It reminded me of the crabs sitting on the sewer pipe in Finding Nemo ('ey, 'ey), lol.
Just had to share!
Just had to share!