Nano Occupants


Fish Crazy
Nov 13, 2006
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I went ahead and upgraded my stock pump to a mariland penguin power head 1140 (300gph)
should I keep the stock pump (106gph) as counter current... if so where should i place it?

I found out our walmart carries RO wate (YEAH and refills are only 33cents a gallon. because I will be doing two gallon (one and a hlaf abouts) changes each week it will be affordable enough to buy it rather than make it. so happy me!

Im getting live rock tomarrow (12lbs) and live sand (18lbs)

I want to keep a few soft corals sps max like 4 just for color and texture, and diversity.

then I was thinking instead of the other fish I had wanted to... thinking it was too much (cardinal and royal gramma) Im thinking the Clown Gobie and a firefish. or should I do another combonation ( I really dont want two gobies) and I have a thing about clown fish (no offence) just cause of Finding Nemo.... I couldnt in my right mind keep one in my tank though they are beautiful.

as for clean up crew I would have one scarlet shrimp, blue legged hermits 4 nassarius snails and 3 astrea snails.

that would be the entirety of my tank.

Ive got all the goodies and am going to do my test run on the equipment with freshwater today so I can add fish to marrow afternoon (or monday depending on work schedule)

I have a stelth heater (I have both 50Watt and 100W which should I use? ) and the half sponge in the filter and the pergin (sp) filtering media in the back filter compartment.

Am I missing anything? (Ive got the testing strips and will be using reef crystals by IO)
clown goby and a firefish should be just fine. I'd get a purple firefish to contras the colors if it were me :)

Watch out for astrea snails, if you see one of them flipped on its back, you'll have to flip it rightside up yourself (cause they cant do it) else they die. I prefer Cerith and Trochus snails over astreas since they can right themselves.

Pull the sponge, LR is a better filter than a sponge ;)

And when you said this: "I want to keep a few soft corals sps max like 4 just for color and texture, and diversity." I thinkyou got your terms mixed up. Soft corals are not SPS, SPS stands for Small Polyped Stony. There are 3 basic categories of corals that we as hobbyists use in order from easiest to hardest: Softies, LPS (large polyped stony) and SPS (small polyped stony)
There are 3 basic categories of corals that we as hobbyists use in order from easiest to hardest: Softies, LPS (large polyped stony) and SPS (small polyped stony)

I didnt realize this... awesome! thanks... sooo softies it is :good: I got my pumps all working right and have switched them up a bit so I have some counter current. I have a small pump in the filter about a 100gph and outi in the main tank a panguin 1140 (300 GPH) is this too much? I had to put one of the pumps in the filter to get the water to circulate though the back. and the 1140 seems to make some great movement in the tank... some places are less (still have movement) as others have more.. so that I can accomidate the different flow requirements on the corals. the places with less movement will be open so that I can clean the spots with the gravel vac.

so yeah... happy me.... any other comments?

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