Lighting is such a difficult topic to make replies too.
I dont like the wattage per gallon rule, just like i dont like the fish inches per gallon rule. So many different factors are involved when it comes to filtration just as there are other factors when lighting is involved.
Basically what you need is not just stregnth but also quality.
Halides over a small tank are dangerous as they could easily overheat it
On small tank there needs to be a way of getting light to the stock that needs it
For a small tank this doesnt need huge amounts of wattage etc. but it does need a good light that can offer the correct spectrum for the corla that need it.
My son has a smaller tank and all he has are 2 normal tubes and an actinic. he is being very successful with zooanthids and a coupleo f mushroom polyps.
Im afraid its very hard to give an exact answer but try the lights you have, put some easy starter corals in and see how they react. If they thrive then thats great! if they stay closed then up the lighting a little