Nano Cube Aquarium Tropical Fish Tank


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Dec 30, 2010
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hi im new to tropical fish can i put a male red tailed black shark and a female red tailed black shark in a Nano Cube Aquarium (Tropical Fish Tank 10 Litres)
No, there is no chance, red tailed sharks need HUGE tanks as they grow so big. Off the top of my head i think they need 55 gallons! Also i think it is very hard to sex rtbs

But on the other hand this is your first post, so Welcome to the forums! :good:
Welcome to the forum, prototype :hi:

Westwood is quite correct; Red Tail sharks can only be kept singly as they are very aggressive to their own kind and they're impossible to sex (I have no idea how they manage to breed in the wild, lol!)

A 10 litre tank is really only suitable for a few shrimp, tbh.

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