Nandus Nebulosus


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
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Hi guys, i picked one of these up today to occupy an empty tank. Always wanted a leaf fish, and nebulosus are quite a hardy species, often occuring in Singapore too aparantly..
Anyway, i have a question. How much flow can they tolerate? I have a small peice, perhaps 2 inches or less, in a small 18 inch tank (eventually will be moved into bigger tank) with a small internal power filter and lots of plants, soft acidic water. I have blocked the flow out up with some sponge at the moment, as im not sure why but i have a feeling they dont like hardly any this true, or can they handle some flow?
Hi guys, i picked one of these up today to occupy an empty tank. Always wanted a leaf fish, and nebulosus are quite a hardy species, often occuring in Singapore too aparantly..
Anyway, i have a question. How much flow can they tolerate? I have a small peice, perhaps 2 inches or less, in a small 18 inch tank (eventually will be moved into bigger tank) with a small internal power filter and lots of plants, soft acidic water. I have blocked the flow out up with some sponge at the moment, as im not sure why but i have a feeling they dont like hardly any this true, or can they handle some flow?
i have a nandus nandus, gangetic leaf fish, so assuming they are similar in needs, no they aren't too keen on faster flowing water, mine is in a 4 foot tank with a powerful fx5 filter which produces a very fast current in addition there is 2 powerheads running my undergravel filters also producing quite some current. i don't think it likes being in the current. in the tank its in there is plenty or spaces where the water is still (ish) and the nandus tends to occupy these, until feeding time. i suppose if you did similar to me and provide big bits of wood and rocks and plants to block the current and create still areas it would be fine.

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