Naming fish!


Feb 24, 2004
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Kent, UK
I have two black widow tetras (black skirts) and I just CANNOT think of any names for them!

any ideas, anyone?
I think you just need to observe the fish and see if they develop a name. My bigger nicaragua is named Rocky because he's tough, ugly, and has droopy eyes. My female nicaragua is named Mighty Minnow because she beat up another female twice the size of her. (just as an example)
:D well it looks like theyre both pregnant which is weird because theyve been a pair for like 4 or 5 months and its just weird. My 21 year old sister calls them tiger fish. so she just named one stripey and one tigger. ho hum. thanks for your suggestion!
My favorite name of all time comes from the Simpsons: Joey-Jo-Jo McShabbadoo

Knew of some kids who named their goldfish Sir Poopalot.

Names always come eventually. Something will stick.
:rolleyes: one of my platies always follows so i named him Mo Lester...I also have Chuck Taylor and Smuck Baylor...And My black ghost is Skunk. My regular algae eater is Jaque and my Pleco is Cousteau.Dwarf Puffers are Napolean and Bonaparte those are just my fave names...and everyone dont worry they arent in the same tanks
I like to take a thematic approach, like the names of authors, or Greek god[desses], computer terminology, that sort of thing. Makes it easier to come up with them and remember them. ;)

Since they are black skirt tetras, I might go with something like Canibal and Savage, due to their reputation for interspecies quarreling and for the way they tear into their food. :fun: jk, I really like my black skirts, and they are nicer to eachother than a lot of my fish are.

You got to go with what you like. I agree though, about Tigger and Stripey -- ho hum; those are like the names your animals get stuck with when your kids are 5 yrs old. :rofl: No offense to your sister. :whistle:
heh heh I thought I would call my glowlights calamity Jane and Wild Bill Hickock ! I like that, they get on well and the lady fish is pregnant too!
Yeah, I like the calamity jane one!

I named my betta Percy, my female molly Queenie, a male molly Baldrick and another Blackadder. The other female didn't have a name.
Well you gotta name them after your interests. I named my Silver Tipped Sharks Merry,and Pippin because I wanted a duo name. I named my Pleco Durge,cause I`m a huge Star Wars fan,and Durge is the villian in the Clone Wars expanded universe stories
I named my plakats (true fighters) after a couple of Indian gods (Shiva-god of destruction, and Agni-god of fire) and the characters from the Street Fighter video game series (Sagat, Adon, Akuma, Evil Ryu, and Guile; also named two others Pitchfork because of his tail, and Muay because he is a Thai fighter just like Sagat and Adon)

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