I had a red and blue Betta named "Spiderman-Fishy" (my now-husband and I went to see the movie "Spiderman" on our first date, so we're both sort of partial to that movie and anything pertaining to it).
I had a blue Betta named "Crash" - named such because one day, when I was putting him in his Betta cup, so I could clean his tank, he jumped out of the cup, onto the desk, and fell onto the floor. I decided to put him back in his tank and save the water change for another day - figured he'd had enough trauma for one day.
Had one Betta I named "Max", because I went to Wal-Mart to buy Maxi Pads - and with enough cash to only buy Maxi Pads - and came home with a Betta instead (obviously, I was not in dire need of the pads!).
Poor guy....
Had an Albino Cory named "Albert" and two Panda Corys named "Panda" and "Baby Panda". My current Panda Cory just gets called "Panda" and my Pepper Corys get called "Pepper" or "Big Pepper" and "Baby Pepper".
Had a Pleco named "(Pet.) Ether". Came from chem class - we were working with a chemical called pet. ether (petroleum ether). I decided I ought to name one of my fish "Ether", so that I could say 'This is my pet, Ether." (Perhaps you chem people will appreciate that, or at least understand it
The Neons and Otos I have get referred to as "Neon" or "Neons" and "Oto" or "Otos", respectively. Creative, eh? I can't tell 'em apart, so they get a group name...
My current Betta, who is moving in with my sister this weekend (yay, I'm getting my sister into fish!), doesn't have a name.
Oh, I had a white-with-black-spots Platy named "Perdita" after the mommy dog in "101 Dalmations". Can't remember what other names I gave my Platys.
aka Married Lizard