

Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2004
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Edmonton AB Canada
I am having trouble naming my betta's. What are some of the names of the fish u own. Just thought it could give me some ideas.
well my friends name my bettas beucase apparnetly i give them very very bad names :D

i've named a blue crowntail Navian, a pink crowntail Pinkerton, a black/red DT kirby...and uh

tha'ts about it :blink: out of the 9 males that i hav eonly 3 are named *sigh*

i guess i coudl use some ideas on naming too :rolleyes:
You might think this was over-the-top

But a whie ago when I was helping a mate set up her tank, we were sitting trying to think of names for her betta, and we everntually went here where there are a bunch of names organised by meaning/theme/namesakes etc and chose an appropriate one. We called him Horatio. (admiral)
I only have named a few of my fish - I have bettas named "Little Blue", "Franko", and "Bitey", and a male guppy named....never mind, this is a family board. :lol:
my two bettas are called Ryan and Cat
I had a list and put up a poll on here those got the most votes
fishy... and if i can find a blue girl im gonna name her kisses so i dunno everyone had a bet going cuz i kept sayimg i was gonna get my fishy so they had the bet it would get named fishy :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
oooo that babynmaer is very inspiring :D i'm going to name ALL my fish now.

Now that i can name them all, i'm going to make a litilte nametag for each and tape it next to their tanks..:rolleyes: sad eh
Icewolf, describe your bettas (colour, behaviour, size) and we'll probably be able to give you better suggestions. Well, at least I'd be able to give you more fitting suggestions. Most of my fish have really stupid names (check my profile or my aquaria website for examples), but I like them.
Sandusky, Massillon and the newest Daisy. (female) Kinda just out of random, two are named after cities.
I had a red and blue Betta named "Spiderman-Fishy" (my now-husband and I went to see the movie "Spiderman" on our first date, so we're both sort of partial to that movie and anything pertaining to it).

I had a blue Betta named "Crash" - named such because one day, when I was putting him in his Betta cup, so I could clean his tank, he jumped out of the cup, onto the desk, and fell onto the floor. I decided to put him back in his tank and save the water change for another day - figured he'd had enough trauma for one day.

Had one Betta I named "Max", because I went to Wal-Mart to buy Maxi Pads - and with enough cash to only buy Maxi Pads - and came home with a Betta instead (obviously, I was not in dire need of the pads!). :lol: Poor guy....:)

Had an Albino Cory named "Albert" and two Panda Corys named "Panda" and "Baby Panda". My current Panda Cory just gets called "Panda" and my Pepper Corys get called "Pepper" or "Big Pepper" and "Baby Pepper".

Had a Pleco named "(Pet.) Ether". Came from chem class - we were working with a chemical called pet. ether (petroleum ether). I decided I ought to name one of my fish "Ether", so that I could say 'This is my pet, Ether." (Perhaps you chem people will appreciate that, or at least understand it :p ).

The Neons and Otos I have get referred to as "Neon" or "Neons" and "Oto" or "Otos", respectively. Creative, eh? I can't tell 'em apart, so they get a group name...

My current Betta, who is moving in with my sister this weekend (yay, I'm getting my sister into fish!), doesn't have a name.

Oh, I had a white-with-black-spots Platy named "Perdita" after the mommy dog in "101 Dalmations". Can't remember what other names I gave my Platys.

aka Married Lizard
Well I only have 4 Bettas now and their names are:

Zzyzx, Xerxes, Zazoo, Ziggy.

I had 4 Neon tetras and their names where:

Fe, Fi, Fo and Fum.

I had 2 Dalmation Mollys and their names where:

Ying ( all white with black spots) and Yang ( all black with white spots)

Previous Bettas where named:

Dalek ( from Doctor Who)
Quark ( cause when he flared he looked like a Ferengi from Star Trek)
Nova ( was Opaque)

Oh and two comets ( feeder gold fish) first fish ever:

Diablo and Baal ( from the video game Diablo ~~~ husband named them)
I usually name them according to how they look, or what they remind me of when I see them, or how I found them.

Like first boy who was blue and red I called Dreamer. Colorful red, blue and white veil I called Treasure (he was a hidden treasure as I had been to the store several times before and didn't see him till that day), steel blue CT I called Steele, marbled I called Smudge, and a red veil girl I called Princess because she reminded me of a little princess at the store--while others were in their little cups and jars, she was in her nice larger container, with gravel and some plants.

My previous guppies I named after stores my sister (who gave them to me) was frequenting a lot at that time: Ariston, Dexter(ton) and Deci(mal).

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