Name This Newt


New Member
Nov 3, 2006
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Bournemouth UK
Hi all I baught this lovely little lad thinking it was a fire bellied newt coz thats what I was told however i have since learnet that the term fire bellied newt covers a multitude of sin's and this little dude is one of them.
So my chalange to you is name that newt. He or she is 5'' long and either thik or short sighted.
If iv got it right here are some pictures.
I had a newt, and I called it "Tiny". When people asked me why, I said it was because he was "my newt.

I didn't think there would ever be an opportunity to use that cheap gag, but I found it, thank you.
Hi all I baught this lovely little lad thinking it was a fire bellied newt coz thats what I was told however i have since learnet that the term fire bellied newt covers a multitude of sin's and this little dude is one of them.
So my chalange to you is name that newt. He or she is 5'' long and either thik or short sighted.
If iv got it right here are some pictures.

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I had a newt, and I called it "Tiny". When people asked me why, I said it was because he was "my newt.

I didn't think there would ever be an opportunity to use that cheap gag, but I found it, thank you.

thanks Fella, now I have coffee all over my screen :D

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