Name These Plants


New Member
Dec 29, 2007
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Wareham, Dorset
cropped_plant.JPG name_this_plant.JPG plant_resized.JPG

Can anyone help me name these plants. I bought them from my local Fish shop but they had no labels or info with them, It would be cool if I could work out what they are called so I can establish the best way to look after them.

Do I need to add CO2 to the tank for the plants to thrive?
Can't help with the first two, but if the plant on the far right has deep red stems, it would appear to be very similar to the "red ivy" I bought off either Java or Greenline when I started out. It died off eventually and I subsequently found out that it was not a true aquatic - I *think* it's a thin leaf version of hemigraphis colorata or alternata :dunno:
Plant 3 looks like a Cryptocorne of some variety. can you supply a closer/larger pic to establish.
Here's a link to the tropica plant catalogue/database.


I have (or at least had) the first two of your plants but I can't recall what they are called or find them at first glance on the tropica page. The first one is a great grower, although I find that at first it takes over the tank, and then once you prune it back it never seems to recover. The middle one lasted with me about a week, before disintegrating. The third one looks like Alternanthera reineckii 'Purple' (lilacina), but i've never had it myself so i don't know what it's like.
Eh.. First is some Hydrocotyle Second is Mondo grass non aquatic

AND THIRD IS DRAGON FLAME and it is non aquatic

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