Name The Fish...

Jay & Jayde

New Member
Oct 7, 2006
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Hi all,
We broght 2 fish from our local fishie shop and they are african cichlids, he told us they are Honja's but we cant find anything about them so we think they are not Honjas if anyone knows what my 2 fish are can you help. it would be very much appreciated.

The fishie is our avatar...

Jay and Jayde
do you mean labidochromis HONGI red top?

might be that -but hard to tell from back.... might be thou :D
Thanks thats it the Hongi, i have looked at a few pics on different sites and thats the one.
I can see you coming back when you have found out what you have brought !
Also is there any way to tell male from female?
Thanks in advance. :)

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