Name The Coral/invert Etc


I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure!
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
near Hockley, Essex UK
Just for fun, whomever gets it right can choose the next one - game on!

Advanced game:


Clue: its blue!!

New Salties game:


Its a hard coral?

Seffie x
Is the first one an alveopora rhatsnot extended?
Second is a Euphylia ancora I think.
o i think the first one is a non photo coral i saw it three times before i cant remeber the name :(

lol second looks like a hmmer to me :p
o i think the first one is a non photo coral i saw it three times before i cant remeber the name :(

lol second looks like a hmmer to me :p

1) right :good: it does not use Photosynthesis and wrong, its not a coral!!
2) right, Hammer, Euphyllia Ancora

Come on...........
Gah it's a cauliflower sponge ( Nephtheis fascicularis spelling?) isn't it
Gah it's a cauliflower sponge ( Nephtheis fascicularis spelling?) isn't it

It is indeed, well done :kana: your turn :good:

Taken from the tinternet - couldnt find authors name

The Blue Palm Coral originates from the shallow reefs of Indonesia and has a thick base with multiple branches, or stalks with asparagus-like heads. These asparagus-like heads are comprised of clusters of zooids that continually filter the water for food. It is common for the Blue Palm to drop their heads both during transit, and within the aquarium. During this time, the tunicate will cover itself with a clear mucous. This is not an indication of poor health. Within a short time, it will blossom and form new flower like heads. The Blue Palm is non-photosynthetic and has no lighting requirements, but should be placed in an area of strong water current. Though not nescessary (they eat dissolved matter), they will benefit from supplemental feeding with liquid plankton and other dissolved organic foods, as well as benefiting from the addition of iodine and trace elements.

Seffie x
Ok let's go, on the theme of blue what is this! PS you probably wouldn't like to have it.

And secondly what does this mugshot belong to
Goodness me, this is going to take some thinking about :lol:

Is the blue one a type of sponge, Collospongia auris?

And the creature........ a bristleworm closeup?

Seffie x
1- yes (nice to see you got the Latin name)
2- nope
(nice to see you got the Latin name)

I had to look it up :p i love these sorts of games, they can teach you loads, if you are prepared to put a bit of time in :lol:

Can we have a clue for the second one and will you do a quick bit of info for the sponge please?

Seffie x
Second one is a Gastropod of some kind that is also a delicacy in the med :)

Ok Collospongia auras aka the blue sponge of doom!

This sponge first made an apperance on the trade over a decade ago where (like so many thing we now consider pests) it's ability to survive almost anything made it very popular in the then primitive set ups ( :) )

This sponge is pretty much indestructible, un stingable, unedible and it grows into the very rock it hosts, then it spreads. It will, in due time, takeover your while tank.
The only way to truly destroy it is to either chuck the rock away or boil the rock ( thus killing everything) even the smallest amount will regrow into another colony.

On the flip side it looks quite nice and glows under blue's, it plates out into strange little steps and can look quite stunning as a colony.

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