Name The Catfish


New Member
May 19, 2008
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Hertfordshire, UK
I recently bought a catfish but can't remember what it was called...can anyone help??
(pics aren't very good as the only camera i have is on my phone :unsure: )


well if thats what i think it is i hope you have a heated pond :crazy:
Its a Pangasius catfish which is capable of growing to about 4 foot

ah. I hope not!
I the shop they had one in the next tank that wasn't for sale. They said that was almost fully grown at about 10", which would be fine to live with our oscars and co. I just started to get worried when I was flicking through a new book and found something resembling which was a Siamese Shark - growing to about 1 metre.
We are planning a trip back to the shop to find out what it was labelled as.

Any other ideas anyone?

That looks about right, thanks

Have just been reading that they can get extremely large but more commonly in aquarium strains they only reach around 30cm/12". Fingers crossed!
also known as an iridescent shark. if you goggle images, you'd be certain they get way more than 12"

a really stunning fish really, i'd have gotten some if they really did stay at 10" or so.
Yeh, the 12" idea is just a falacy.
Have a look at one of the threads below, you may find some answers in that.

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